Hair Fall Solution and Improve Hair Growth | Natural Home Remedy

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Stop Hair Fall and Get Faster hair Growth Coconut Oil and Garlic Hair loss is a problem that many people suffer from. For men, it is often associated with simply growing older and having a genetic predisposition toward male pattern baldness. For women, it can be another matter altogether, and it is important to tackle the root of the problem.

Garlic and Hair Growth – The Research

Garlic, that wonder-food with so many benefits, can add another item to its long list of home remedy uses: treatment of hair loss.The sulfur and selenium contained within garlic can help fortify the structure of the hair shaft, meaning it can not only help to replenish lost hair, but can strengthen existing hair as well. The vitamins and minerals that each clove of garlic is imbued with can also naturally condition your hair while adding strength.

Garlic Juice and Coconut Oil to Fight Hair Loss

Another healthy hair salve can be made by mixing equal parts of garlic juice and coconut oil.Extract the juice from a small head of garlic using the method described above and mix the juice with a tablespoon of coconut oil (slightly warm the coconut oil by placing it in a bowl filled with warm water).

Then massage the mixture into the scalp and hair and leave it on for 60 minutes before rinsing it out. This should be done twice daily as per the above research.


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