Islamic Wazifa For Every Wish and Desire

Every Muslim brother and sister want to live a happy life. All of us work hard to fulfill the daily needs and expenses of our families. But sometimes things get complicated and we become stressed.

But now you don’t need to worry because here we are going to share a very strong Islamic wazifa to fulfill your desires, needs, and get rid of problems in your life. The wazifa is very simple, and you don’t need to seek anyone’s permission to perform this wazifa.


Recite These Names Of Allah (Ya Mujeebo, Ya Wahhaboo) 100 times with 11 times Durood-e-Pak before and after. Do this wazifa after Isha prayer and before going to sleep at night. It’s best if you do this wazifa separately in a quiet place.

Islamic Wazifa For Every Wish and Desire In Urdu



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